Production Scenarios
Bring flexibility to your manufacturing processes with Bricklead Production Scenario
Manufacturing companies need flexibility in production to adapt to demand. When a machine is broken or sales demand requires extra capacity to be fulfilled, having severalways of producing an item brings extraoptions. You can then arbitrate between or consolidate several productionprocesses to produce the within time.
ProductionScenario’s allows flexible manufacturing organization by allowing severalprocess to achieve the same product. Each process can have its own BOM and/orRouting allowing to use different resources depending on theircapacity/availability.
Production Scenario by Bricklead
Production Scenarios app allows companies to define different production workflows, materials usage, and resource allocation. This helps optimize yield, minimize waste, and respond to variable customer demand, like adapting to peak periods for specific cuts or products.
Also, it helps optimizing the breakdown or sorting of complex products into components, ensuring the most efficient reuse of parts or materials, minimizing waste, and improving inventory management.
Specially for food manufacturing companies, it’s helpful to plan the production orders for groups of related products (families) and recalculate the quantities of each component in order to produce the most efficient Family Production Order.